Brooklyn real estate attorney Robert Howe welcomes Neal Bawa to the show to talk about how to buy an apartment building and some current real estate market trends. Brooklyn Attorney Robert Howe Legal Topics: How To Buy A Building by Neal Bawa | Brooklyn Attorney...
This podcast guesting Neal Bawa is hosted by Kevin Bupp of Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp Mastering the Process of Market Evaluation & Selection in Order to Dominate in Your Respective Real Estate Niche by Neal Bawa | Kevin Bupp Podcast EP185...
This podcast guesting Neal Bawa is hosted by Michele Swinick of Everything Home Multi-Family Investing & Housing Trends / Online Training by Neal Bawa | EverythingHome Michele Swinick Neal Bawa is the...
A Scientific Approach to Real Estate Investing by Neal Bawa | Old Dawg RE Network 211 Neal Bawa is an engineer whose technology education company was so successful that he sought out real estate...
Getting Started with Multifamily Deals by Neal Bawa | Larry Goins Group - Episode 014 – Brain Pick A Pro Neal has a huge thousand plus units of multifamily portfolio valued at over a hundred million dollars and...