Neal Bawa is a technologist who is universally known in real estate circles as the Mad Scientist of Multifamily. Besides being one of the most in-demand speakers in commercial real estate, Neal is a data guru, a process freak, and an outsourcing expert. Neal treats his $508 million-dollar portfolio as an ongoing experiment in efficiency and optimization. The Mad Scientist lives by two mantras. His first mantra is that We can only manage what we can measure. His second mantra is that Data beats gut feel by a million miles. These mantras and a dozen other disruptive beliefs drive profit for his 440+ investors.
Neal serves as CEO / Founder at Grocapitus, an iconic, data-driven commercial real estate investment company. Grocapitus’ 28 person team acquires and builds multifamily & commercial properties across the U.S. With more than 440 active investors and over 2,000 reviewing our projects, the Grocapitus portfolio currently spans across 10 states with 22 projects (1 sold) and 3,300 units/beds. The powerful Grocapitus brand has a cult-like following of data driven investors. The result – Completed equity raises of $146 million* for Multifamily, Mixed-Use and Industrial acquisitions in the last 18 months, over 3,000 units purchased. Grocapitus is on track to close another 1,500 units in the next 12 months.
Let’s dive into his story!
[00:01 – 17:49] Opening Segment
- Neal the Tech Geek
- He shares what he is ‘nerding’ about and why it matters
- Neal shares about his projections currently
- What half-a-cap means
- 2022: Slight Cap compression
- Don’t miss: Neal’s exclusive big three projections
- How about the other asset classes?
[17:50 – 33:17] The Big Trend this 2022
- The top 9 trends are all the same
- Why this is gigantic thing
- Cryptocurrency surpassed borders
- Imagine if you can take Real Estate and combine it with crypto. . .
- Successfully tokenizing assets
- Nothing like this ever hit the market before
- The two big changes coming to the syndication world
- It is devastating for the syndicator in the long run
- Neal mentions big companies
[33:18 – 38:08] Bill to Rent
- The new asset class
- What’s the buzz?
- Same same, but different.. (with multifamily)
- Towards tokenizing
- Why people choose this instead of buying
[38:09 – 42:35] The Bad News
- Real Estate is a liquid asset class
- Tokenization: most successful, more audience
- This time will really come. Enjoy the party!
[42:36 – 45:45] Closing Segment
- Final Words
- Connect with my guest, Neal, in the links below
Tweetable Quotes
“We follow the data everywhere.” – Neal Bawa
“The amount of money that we printed in COVID is such an enormous amount that it is creating an astonishing chase for any kind of yield with multifamily being the preferred asset class, because it performed the best during COVID.” – Neal Bawa
“That’s the power of buzz; everything goes up.” – Neal Bawa